Friday, March 6, 2009

Live Blogging Winter Carnival...Kinda Sorta

Mrs. JRob and I arrived in Pigeon Forge for the Winter Carnival of Magic. We arrived at 7:00 for what we thought would be a lecture by Mark Mason. That came later, but at 7:00 we were treated to a birthday roast of a long time IBM Ring 58 member and past president of IBM, Mike Stratman, emceed by Tom Vorjoran.
Mark Mason was his usual self.
This promises to be a great weekend of magic. It better be since Olde Grey is playing arch-rival Charleston on Saturday in a match with major play off implications for both.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

He's Baaa-aaaack

Almost ten years from his first appearance on the FOX network, the Masked Magician has returned, this time on My Network. No, not mine personally, that's just the silly network's silly name. Now I don't know if it's Valentino again (he would have to be a bigger idiot than I thought he was ten years ago to do that.
Anyway, I won't be posting the time it's on. If you want to see it that bad, pick up a TV Guide.
Otherwise, enjoy this spoof:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How this Blog Got its Name

Why did I choose the title Rugby, Magic and Beer? It is a corruption of the intro to one of my favorite groups of vids on YouTube, "Alternative Rugby Commentary" created by Jed Thian of New Zealand. Here is a sample:

Now, I'm no fan of racing, but I love magic and it fit metricaly.

Friday, August 1, 2008

What's Wrong with Magic These Days

Yeah, I'm a magician. Now, I'm not one of those who annoy the heck out of everybody I know to the point I don't have any friends left. None the less, I am a magician and proud of the fact. I also love it when somebody else embraces the art and seeks to bring some mystery into the lives of those around them.
There are, however, people who only dabble and treat magic as a dodge to make a few bucks. I'm not talking about hobbyists. Many of them love magic, but above all, they respect it. I am talking about those like a certain unfortunate I have found on YouTube. Trust me, I am being kind. Watching this twits videos produces a conflict as to whether or not I feel sorry for the guy and want to offer him some guidance, and reaching through the screen and strangling him. I must confess that after seeing the way he not only refused any guidance, but insulted those who were trying to help, I am leaning toward the latter.
Generally, when I find videos of idiots on YouTube, I publish them so we can all laugh together. I am going to spare this kid anymore brutalization and not name him. I'm also sparing you an experience akin to passing by a train wreck. You know you shouldn't watch but can't help yourself.
First of all, the guy has been doing magic all of three weeks and a few days (at the time he posted the videos). Over the course of four videos he managed to make a complete arse out of himself. It was not that he dismissed things like Card College (among other things) as "garbage". It was because he was labeling it as garbage because it was too hard. I am totally serious. He blames it on Penguin Magic for not warning him that he really should have read volume one before going to volumes two and three. I am totally serious.
A subsequent vid has him threatening to ban people from his channel if they don't thank him for providing free magic videos. Thing is, neither I nor anybody else saw any magic in the videos. One commenter on Magic Cafe pointed out his problem, he didn't really want to be a magician, rather he wanted a "miracle in a box".
What the kid didn't seem to understand about the craft is that the people wo work at it, practice, experiment and perform put a lot of heart into making their act/routine/show an expression of themselves. It's not about tricks, it's about what the tricks tell us about ourselves, our condition or our lives. It's about a sense of wonder and mystery. It's not about being accosted by somebody showing the killer magic tool they ordered online without a clue as to what they want to do with their magic. These "magicians" are more annoying than street mimes. They wait for the UPS truck so they can be the next David Blaine and WOW! (read:annoy the hell out of) some poor passer-by with the really neat package he got from ellusionist.
We don't suffer from a glut of magicians. What we suffer from is a surfeit of catalogue browsers with more money than good sense. They also do not have a real friend or mentor to point out to them they are going about it wrong.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Bet you didn't know J Rob was into stuff other than politics. Why do you think I haven't been posting over at the House of Opinions. Rugby and magic are two passions of mine that allow me to keep my sanity.

The fact that my rugby days are numbered (give me a break, guys. I'm fifty years old) does not diminish my love of the game. Magic, on the other hand keeps my mind nimble and paying attention to detail. I'll be discussing both in this space (not revealing any methods...SAM would boot me out faster than you could say, "Masked Magician"

Come and join me for some lighter fare than found in JRHOO. Yes, I am about to get that cranked back up)